Meet Our Dedciated Staff! |
Shelter Operations Manager: Victoria Vincent
*[email protected] Victoria has been in animal welfare professionally for 8+ years & passionately for a lifetime. Lead Animal Care Tech: Ruth Smith *[email protected] Ruth has been employed and in animal services for over 19 years! When you receive a thank-you letter and newsletters, she is the author! Front Desk/Reception: Ashley Armbrust *[email protected] When you adopt or surrender an animal, Ashley is here to make sure the transition is a smooth one! Animal Care Techs: Chuck Newlin Hailie Walcher Joelle Olmsted Samantha Koller Our Animal Care Techs take care of our animals day in and day out! Putting in lengthy hours to ensure proper care, love, and attention to all animals that come through our door! Veterinarians: Dr. Allison Keske |
President: Betty Gregory-Paasch [email protected]
Vice President: Linda Kozlowski Treasurer: Nancy Holzberger [email protected] Board Members: Wendy Kelly Denise Kuchenberg Michael Ebsch Gloria Nord Lynette Erickson Skylar Teal Diana White Contact us at: [email protected] |
Interested in joining the board? Please reach out by email to the Manager of the shelter or President of the board to inquire.